Pulmonary aspergilloma is a mass caused by a fungal infection that usually grows in lung cavities. It can also appear in the brain, kidney, or other organs.
Fungus ball; Mycetoma; Aspergilloma
Aspergillomas are formed when the fungus aspergillus grows in a clump in a lung cavity, or invades previously healthy tissue, causing an abscess.
Aspergillus is a common fungus. It grows on dead leaves, stored grain, bird droppings, compost piles, and other decaying vegetation. Cavities in the lung may have been caused by:
See also: Aspergillosis
You may not have symptoms. When symptoms do develop, they can include:
Many patients never develop symptoms. Often, no treatment is needed, unless you are coughing up blood.
Occasionally, antifungal medications may be used.
If you have bleeding in the lungs, your doctor may inject dye into the blood vessels (angiography) to find the site of bleeding. The bleeding is stopped by shooting tiny pellets into the bleeding vessel.
Surgery is often the only choice if there is life-threatening bleeding.
The outcome can be good in many patients. However, it depends on the severity of the condition and your overall health.
Surgery may be very successful in some cases, but it is complex and can have a high risk of serious complications.
See your health care provider if you cough up blood, and mention any other symptoms that have developed.
People who have had related lung infections or who have weakened immune systems should try to avoid environments where the aspergillus fungus is found.
Patterson TF. Aspergillus species. In: Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, eds. Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases. 7th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone; 2009:chap 258.
Walsh TJ, Stevens DA. Aspergillosis. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, eds. Cecil Medicine. 24th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2011:chap 347.